Sweet dreams require sweet smells

bad smells bring bad dreams Sweet dreams require sweet smellsIf you want to have sweet dreams, set yourself up by ensuring your brain receives only pleasant odours during the night.

Bad smells produced BAD DREAMS

German researchers exposed volunteers to different scents as they slept and then analyzed the dreams that followed.

When the volunteers were exposed to “foul” smells such as rotten eggs, the dreams they described were dark and negative.

In contrast, a night of breathing in air laced with rose scents, brought light and fluffy pleasant dreams in the morning.

Direct your dreams

It is unlikely you would deliberately expose yourself to rotten egg like smells during the night.

But you may be accidentally flavouring your dreams ……..

  • Where are your gym takkies relative to your bed ?
  • What about that sweaty T-shirt and those dirty underpants you climbed out of and dropped in a heap on the floor ?
  • What about the not quite finished cup of coffee or other bits of forgotten food, which are lying on the side table ?

Nosing in on health woes

As the night wears on, the activities of the microbes tasked with chemical clean-ups, might be creating a few pungent odours that end up producing nasty pictures in your head , disrupting your sleep.

Disrupted sleep increases the risk of high blood pressure, stroke and packs on the pounds.

So strive for sweet dreams !

The Impact of Olfactory Stimulation on Dreams - press release American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. 

Interested in learning more about why sweet dreams help protect from the killer lifestyle diseases ? 

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Further reading

alcohol causes non restoritive sleep tn Sweet dreams require sweet smells mosquito following smelly feet tn Sweet dreams require sweet smells  poor report card because of poor sleep tn Sweet dreams require sweet smells 
 Keep the night cap petite for a good nights sleep  Your smelly feet are making you a target for hungry mosquitoes  Are your academic results sleep sliding away ?

The 7 Big Spoons™…. are master switches that turn health on.

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Balance Eicosanoids Rein in insulin Dial down stress Sleep ! Increase Vit D Culivate microflora Think champion

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