To give your baby-2-be a strong heart enrol them in an exercise class

baby 2 be working out in the womb To give your baby 2 be a strong heart enrol them in an exercise class Every mother strives to give her unborn baby the best possible start in life, but when you feel like a giant size blob, the idea of dragging yourself and the protruding belly to the gym is daunting.

But if you’re feeling a little low on motivation and energy, the cardio workout has long term benefits for heart health.

Not yours, but junior’s.

Heart health begins in the womb

There is a lot of research focusing on how the habits of both moms- and dads-to-be set the health agenda in a negative way…….

But this study from Kansas University, provides moms-to-be with a relatively easy way to do something that will generate positive health benefits, that will last a lifetime.

 30 minutes of exercise improves the beat

It has been known for some time that babies born to moms who exercise a little, 30 minutes three times a week, pop out with lower heart rates.

A low heart rate is a sign that the heart is strong.

The more efficient the heart pumps, the less times it needs to do so every minute, to keep the oxygen supply to the body flowing effectively.

Beyond birth benefits

The latest research from the Kansas team shows that the heart benefits last beyond birth.

Exercising “babies” are positioned for better heart health.

Heart disease is one of the biggest killers today, a strapping sturdy heart is a precious gift to pass on. Plus, as an exercising mom, you will instil the ethos of physical activity in your family.

It is never too early to sign up for an exercise class

So sign up your baby-to-be for an exercise class or two – exercising in the womb will build heart muscle. Just be sure not to overdo the exercise session, junior might not be ready for a marathon yet.

When you’re huffing and puffing through the exercise session see it as a labour of love.

Exercise during pregnancy leads to a healthier heart in moms- and babies-to-be – press release from American Physiological Society.


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Further reading

exercise charging up the nitric oxide heart battery tn To give your baby 2 be a strong heart enrol them in an exercise class sperm overheating under a laptop tn To give your baby 2 be a strong heart enrol them in an exercise class dog taking his human for a walk tn To give your baby 2 be a strong heart enrol them in an exercise class  
 How to juice up the heart battery so it pumps in a crisis Your laptop might be roasting your future kids Walkies – it’s time to take your human for a walk 

The 7 Big Spoons™…. are master switches that turn health on.

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