May 2011 Edition E-spoons

The May Edition of E-spoons takes a look at …………

Encourages you to ………

Get off you horse and drink some milk

 body builder drinking milk 210x300 May 2011 Edition E spoons

Chocolate milk is the best sports drink ever and great after a day wallowing in the dirt and making new friends that improve breathing and if you do something “naughty” just blame your bacteria.  And when the rubber hits the road breast milk is full of flavour. Too many teas, with milk and cookies, at  Church or eating at the facebook table may pose a health risk but Eskimo eating protects from the leaky blood vessels and killer clots brought on by obesity.

Link to May Edition of E-spoons

Download the pdf version of May 2011 E-spoons

The 7 Big Spoons™…. are master switches that turn health on.

balance eicosanoids thumbnail May 2011 Edition E spoons rein in insulin thumbnail May 2011 Edition E spoons thumbnail dial down stress May 2011 Edition E spoons thumbnail sleep May 2011 Edition E spoons vitamin D thumbnail May 2011 Edition E spoons microflora thumbnail1 May 2011 Edition E spoons think like a champion thumbnail May 2011 Edition E spoons
Balance Eicosanoids Rein in insulin Dial down stress Sleep ! Increase Vit D Culivate microflora Think champion

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