You’re desperately trying to follow the health “rules” to preserve and promote health. You’re trying hard to stick to a low fat plan. Despite much vocal opposition, you’ve managed to convert the family to low fat milk.
It may end up being a hollow victory.
Full fat kids are not the fat kids
The thin kids aren’t drinking low fat milk, they’re slurping down full fat milk every single day.
This is the finding of a study carried out by Sahlgrenska Academy in Sweden on a group of healthy 8 year olds.
The study showed that children who drink full-fat milk every day weighed in, on average, 4 kg lower, than the milk abstainers and those who consume low-fat milk.
Lower fat means fewer calories
Low fat milk definitely has fewer calories, so on paper at least, consuming low fat milk in place of full fat milk should translate to fewer calories being consumed.
Weight is all about balancing the calories in with the calories out. So fewer in should be tipping the scales against weight gain.
More to it than calories
Clearly it is not just about calories but what “it is” is still a big mystery.
Various ideas have been mooted
- Maybe kids who drink full cream milk don’t drink as many sugar laden beverages i.e. more milk less fruit juice and/or cola
- Maybe consuming more fat in their diet, leads them to feel fuller so they eat less other stuff
- Maybe there are nutrients in full cream milk that boost metabolism
Milk is not the cause of childhood obesity
Raising a hefa-lump is not desirable, but loading the refrigerator with low fat milk is probably not the solution.
Children who often drink full-fat milk weigh less - press release from University of Gothenburg, SwedenInterested in finding out the dos and don’t of healthy living ?
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Further reading
Chocolate milk is the best sports drink on the market | Do the forbidden dairy products hold the key to cutting diabetes risk ? | Why stress makes you feel hungry for nice things |
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