Understanding why you are a hefa-lump
Tackling the extra pounds begins with figuring out exactly what factor(s) have precipitated the accumulation of your extra calories over the years.
At the very fundamental level, you didn’t stick to the equalizing equation i.e.
Calories in = calories out
But where else did the equation breakdown for you ?
Knowledge is power – knowing the why, equips you to tackle the problem. You do need to count the calories but correcting the other reasons will help you get rid of those extra pounds.
Did you eat too much ?
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Did you eat the wrong thing(s) ?
- Could your salt intake be making you fat ?
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id you not eat the right things ?
- A pinch of pepper produces a pyrogenic sting which melts fat
- A high fat diet will shed pounds faster without jeopardizing your heart
Did you eat at the wrong time ?
- Are the lights in your neighbourhood making you fat ?
- Proper staff management the secret to avoiding accumulating excess fat
Was your body hard wired to store fat ?
- Does obesity begin in the bedroom not the kitchen ?
- It is not ALL in your genes but on your dinner plate
Did you not keep the equipment in running order ?
- Fat cells lock in vitamin D potentially short changing health in the overweight
- Tweedle dum and tweedle dee lacked fat cell membrane synergy
- Stress eruptions cause gut residents to flee
- Is your multi-vitamin an insurance policy or a licence ?
Did you not use up enough energy ?
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