Have you ever got into “trouble” because spelling mistakes are popping up in the work you submit ? Even if marks are not being docked – a document riddled with spelling mistakes creates a poor impression.
Today’s Neurotechnology Tip turns you into the equivalent of the computer spell checker. The tip helps you avoid spelling errors in a hand written document, a pesky problem when you’re writing an exam or submitting hand written assignments.
Typed documents should ALWAYS have perfect spelling
If the document is being typed using any wordprocessing software and it has spelling mistakes, then shame on you. All it takes to “fix” these problems is to run the spell check.
But you do need to run it, something that seems to slip some people’s minds in the excitement of the moment. But will not slip the attention of your examiner !
The spelling trouble comes when the document is hand written. This Neurotechnology Tip turns you into the spell check.
You can’t always “see” the mistakes
The first thing is to read it through before you submit it.
But, this advice actually doesn’t always catch all the errors, because you genuinely don’t see them.
The brain is so smart, as it reads through the sentence, it is actually not reading every single letter, it is looking for patterns. On top of that, since it wrote the sentence a short time earlier, it already knows what the sentence says so the patterns are very easy to recognize.
If it can recognise the pattern, it automatically fixes it and doesn’t bother to make it an issue.
Neurotechnological trick solves the “blindness”
You need to unsettle the brain, so that it really has to read every letter. The easiest way to do this is simply to read backwards.
Start at the bottom corner of the paragraph and begin reading from right to left…………….
Slowly slowly pin points problems
It won’t be easy. Your brain will have to work really hard to read back-to-front so–to-speak.
But it will be reading, each and every letter ! As it is forced to engage each letter, it will then be able to check the “spelling” data base, to see if the word is spelled correctly.
Instant notification of errors
All errors will be picked up, giving you an opportunity to make the necessary correction.
At the end of the exercise, your hand written document will match the quality of a typed document.
PS. Assuming you have a pretty good “spelling” data base in your brain. The secret to building this is to READ, lots !
To wire up your brain a little each week ………………..
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Further reading
Doodle to avoid boredom induced dumbness | The pen is mightier than the keyboard when it comes to learning | How to avoid choking in an exam |
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